Intermittent fasting has become popular in the last few years as a way to lose weight, but can you still do it if you’re a runner?

Yes, runners can do intermittent fasting.

But, if you’re new to intermittent fasting, go easy on the run difficulty and duration.

You don’t want to be pushing your body to the limit while you’re fasting.

This can leave you tired and potentially dizzy.

Is It Bad To Run While Fasting?

No, it’s not bad to run while you’re fasting, but you do need to be careful about the difficulty and length of the run you’re going on while fasting.

Always talk to your doctor and cautiously test out what will work for you.

Start with a shorter run than you’re used to.

Once you become used to those shorter runs while you’re fasting, you can build from there and start adding in a little more distance.

Look At Your Schedule

If you’re a morning runner, and you’ve decided to try intermittent fasting, maybe you could switch your runs to the afternoon or evening, after you’ve eaten.

If you’re going to stick to morning runs while fasting, you’ll need to pay attention to what you’re eating and drinking when you get back.

Your body is going to need the right nutrients to refuel and recover after so many hours without eating.