If you’re just starting out, running can be extremely difficult.

You can’t run as fast as you want.

You can’t run as far as you want.

You’ve got aches. You’ve got pains.

How can you make running easier?

This is supposed to be fun, right?

Running can be fun, and it starts with making running easier.

7 Ways To Make Running Easier

1. It’s Okay To Walk

Don’t look at walking as a failure.

It’s okay to walk when you can’t keep running.

Make this mental switch, and you’ll enjoy your runs so much more.

2. Pick An Easy Route

If you’re just starting out, running a difficult trail or a long road route can kill your motivation.

Try and find flat, short running routes in the beginning to build your confidence.

3. Mix Things Up

If you’re running the same exact route every day, you’re going to get bored.

Find a few routes that you can choose from.

4. Music

Listening to upbeat music or just music that you love while your running.

If you don’t have a lot of time to listen to music or a podcast during the day, you might actually look forward to lacing up your shoes and going for a run just to listen to your favorite playlist.

5. Your Time

Find the best time of day for you to run.

Just because your neighbor or your friend loves going out for a morning run, doesn’t mean that you need to.

Maybe, you prefer to run right after work.

Find the best time of day for you to run.

6. Track Your Runs

There’s nothing like seeing the progress you’re making, whether that’s a better mile time or a longer distance achieved.

Keep track of your runs in a notebook or journal or find an app that you love to use.

7. Take Care Of Your Body

Running will become easier if you’re looking after your body.

Stretch before and after your runs.

Try incorporating yoga into your morning routine.

If you’re feeling any pain, don’t ignore it.

Take care of yourself.

Keep Going

Just like anything else you’re trying to become good at, running will be hard in the beginning.

That’s okay though, because if you can learn to enjoy the process and find ways to look forward to going for a run, you’ll find it getting easier and easier.