Runner’s High? What about Runner’s Nausea?

Why did no one tell me about this?

So, it turns out getting nausea during or after a run is pretty normal.

There’s several reasons for it.

You could be dehydrated.

You might have eaten something that didn’t sit well with you before your run.

You could be fatigued.

How To Avoid Feeling Nauseous After Running

Don’t Push Yourself Beyond Your Normal Fitness Levels

You might be feeling sick because your run was too intense or too long.

Build up gradually both on your speed and distance.

A little bit better each time.

Keep track of your runs and see that slow and steady progress.

Stay Hydrated

Running while dehydrated can make you feel pretty sick.

Keep an eye on your water intake that day and make sure you’ve had enough before you go out on that run.

What Did You Eat Before Your Run?

Eating too close to your run will definitely cause problems.

Try different snacks and food choices to see what works for you, but what and when you eat can have a serious effect on how you feel both during and after your run.

Avoid large meals.

Avoid eating anything within a half hour of your run.

Check In With Your Doctor

It’s better to be safe if this is an ongoing issue for you.

You never know what underlying issues could be causing you to feel like throwing up after a run.

Log Everything

A great way to start seeing patterns is to log your food intake each day and what you’ve had to drink.

You could feel nausea on the days where you ate a certain meal or ran a certain distance.

After a few weeks, it could become obvious what’s causing you to feel sick while you’re running.