There are a variety of reasons your shins might hurt when you run.

It could range from pushing yourself a little too hard to a more serious issue like shin splints or a stress fracture.

Here’s a few questions to ask yourself if your shins hurt while you’re running.

Why Do My Shins Hurt When I Run?

Foot Wear

How are my running shoes?

Am I wearing them longer than I should be?

Have I ran more than 500 miles in this pair?

Are they the right fit for me?

Taking Care of Yourself

Do you stretch before and after a run?

Do you do any other kinds of exercise that could help strengthen your legs?

Running Plan

Do you have a plan?

Are you running too much?

Are you increasing your mileage too quickly?

Shin Splints

Most times, pain in your shins is going to be shin sprints.

It’s the result of overuse, and beginners, in particular, have to deal with shin splints.

You’ll feel this aching or throbbing pain up the inside of your shin.

You might also feel pain when you press on that area.

Shin splints are a frustrating injury, and it can be difficult to know when to rest them and when to run through the pain.

It’s worth checking with your doctor or physio because you could be dealing with a stress fracture which is a serious injury.

Should I Still Run With Shin Splints?

You really shouldn’t.

You should rest and treat the injury with ice several times a day.

Give yourself at least 2 weeks off.

You can stretch your muscles with an exercise band or even without one, you can focus on stretching out your calves.


Take the time to rest your legs and see a doctor if the pain doesn’t go away.

Shin splints can be incredibly frustrating, but if your shins hurt when you run, you do need to address that pain and get to the bottom of it.