What Do Ice Baths Do For Runners?

Ice baths have become popular in recent years among all sorts of athletes, but is it really beneficial?

Some people swear by them, but the science isn’t definitive as to whether ice baths are actually beneficial.

The reason why runners take ice baths is to reduce swelling after a long run.

The main thing runners are going for is recovery.

The aim is to be able to train again in the coming days with the same intensity.

Should You Take Ice Baths After Your Next Run?

Because the science isn’t clear, you’ll just need to test it out and see if it’s something that will work for you.

What’s great about it is that it’s easy to do, and it’s affordable.

Usually 10-15 minutes is the perfect amount of time to spend in an ice bath.

If you’re not seeing the benefits or you’re dreading your next ice bath, then there’s other ways to help improve your recovery and get you ready for your next run.

Also, you are submerging yourself into ice water, so if you don’t feel well or you feel like something might not be right, get out. It’s better to be safe.